Four Methodist Monastics at the Bishops's Probationary Conference
This week, four of us, myself, Peter, Jacob, and Mark all took part in the Bishop's Probationary Conference at the Scarritt-Bennett Center in Nashville. Pete and Jacob were there as probationers; Mark and I took part as small group leaders. This is the third such conference that the United Methodist Church has held. It is intended to give probationary clergy (those who've been commissioned as ministers but not yet ordained) some compass headings for vocational ministry.
I haven't yet taken the time and effort to explore it fully, but it seems to me, at least amorphously, that the kind of work our S3 group is interested in doing would translate to an event like the Bishops' Probationary Conference. There was much discussion about being reflective and thoughtful as one enters ministry. There was even a session that was named "Interiority," which sounds like an artificial word; however, the thrust of that panel discussion had to do with, of course, the inner life and how our inward spiritual condition affects our outward pastoral actions and decisions. This seems like fertile monastic territory. After a little time for reflection, I'd be interested for the others of you who went to the conference to chime in about that (Tommy and Chip can, to0).
Glad you were able to post!
Here are my immediate thoughts to kick around regarding a conference-type event from the S3 project--I like the idea by the way.
-such an event should probably be highly experiential without feeling phony or staged--we'll need to find effective ways to do this.
-guests from gethsemane, seminaries, Upper Room, Blackman UMC would be great.
-we could still offer a form of this to non-probationary/residents, but probably good to separate.
-the setting of a place like Scarritt Bennett, has a lot of possibilities.
Thanks, Mark.
I had not considered doing a completely different event but that sounds like a very good idea. We should treasure that a little while and see what happens. Maybe it could even work into our ultimate report/findings.
Bryan and all - this is good stuff - good thinking and integrating, thoughtful reflection. I appreciate that you share bits of your project via blogging.
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