Methodist Monastics

The Bloghome of 6 Methodist Pastors Exploring Monasticism and the Struggle for Sabbath in Church Leadership. Methodist Monastics are funded by a grant from the Lily Endowment and associated with Columbia Theological School's S3 program.

Monday, April 10, 2006

EdwardWisnerThe3rd's My Name Don't Wear it Out

Talk about feeling like a boob! I signed in and then read all the serious stuff and felt completely stupid. What's even better is that I cannot figure out how to change my name. So for the time being its EdwardWisner to you! I promise that even in the mist of my stupid sense of humor that I will offer myself to this learning experience.

Let me offer a token of seriousness in an attempt to save face. Last night I preached out of Romans 6. That chapter talks about Christians being Baptized into the death of Christ. It seems like ministry is about connecting people to that powerful sacrifice so that they might live. However, much of my time is spent managing the church business. I find myself becoming less radical about sharing the love of Jesus with others and more logical church leadership. I don't remember many board meetings from my last appointment, but I do remember spending time with people and sharing the love of Christ. It may just be me but its seems like the "church" thinks a good leaders is someone who can do a terrific balancing act, keeping everyone happy, offering great programs, working out differences, and generally keeping the thing in the road. I am always afraid that the other shoe is going to drop. Someone is going to get mad about something and we are going to have a war on our hands. I find that my desire to make church people happy and my fear of what not making them happy would look like, keeps me from leading with an authentic faith. How about you guys?

Oh, by the way. It is my understanding that this blog is just for us. Am I correct?


Blogger Mark Youngman said...

Eddie (can I call you that?),
No one else can be a member of this blog, but they can currently view it and even leave comments. I can change that setting if we need.

I'm glad to see you addressing this concern with ministry in the local church. I don't feel like I've been pulled into that "juggling act" yet, but I know it could easily happen, especially as a solo or lead pastor.

Resurrection is indeed a reality here and now. God is always bringing new life to dead places and circumstances. From my unqualified perspective, we have to risk diving in off of the balance beam for the sake of connecting people to that scandalous sacrifice that changes lives. And I suppose that means some unhappy people all along the way.

8:30 AM  

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